
Bumiputra Company with 4 Star Rating by SME Corp

Bumiputra Company with 4 Star Rating
by SME Corp

Bumiputra Company with 4 Star Rating by SME Corp

4-star rating under SCORE program by SME Corporation Malaysia Bumiputera Export Development Program under MATRADE. The Bumiputera Export Development Program, launched as part of MATRADE’s Strategic Collaboration, Outreach, and Engagement (SCORE) initiative, has emerged as a catalyst for the growth and expansion of Bumiputera-owned businesses in the global marketplace. Through a comprehensive range of capacity-building activities, market access support, and strategic partnerships, the program has empowered Bumiputera entrepreneurs to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in exporting their products and services.

The 4-star rating conferred by SME Corporation Malaysia is a testament to the program’s effectiveness in achieving its objectives and delivering tangible benefits to Bumiputera businesses. It recognizes the program’s impact in enhancing the competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability of Bumiputera enterprises, thereby contributing to the socioeconomic development of Malaysia.

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